Enable Power BI Service Settings

Give the Reporting Hub permission to access Power BI

For the Reporting Hub (an Azure AD app) to access Power BI content and APIs, a Power BI admin needs to enable the following settings:

Enable Power BI Tenant Admin Settings

1. Embed Content in Apps

Go to Tenant settings in the Power BI Admin portal, and scroll down to Developer settings.

Enable the Embed content in apps switch either for the entire organization or for a specific security group you created in Azure AD.

Note: if you choose 'specific security group' you must add the Reporting Hub Service Principal user you created as part of the installation process.

2. Allow Service principals to use Fabric APIs

Enable the Service principals can use Fabric APIs switch either for the entire organization or for the specific security group you created in Azure AD.

3. Allow service principals to create and use profiles

Enable the Allow service principals to create and use profiles switch either for the entire organization or for the specific security group you created in Azure AD.

Note: If you choose 'specific security group', you must add the Reporting Hub Service Principal user you created as part of the installation process.

Power BI Workspace Configuration

There are three steps you need to perform in order to make your Power BI workspaces available in the Reporting Hub.

Please Note: your personal 'My Workspace' can not be added to the Reporting Hub.

1. Assign your workspace to your Embedded Capacity

To add a Power BI workspace to an embedded capacity, you'll need to:

Log in to: https://app.powerbi.com

On the left menu, choose the Workspace you want to add to the embedded capacity, click on the three-dot menu and choose Workspace Settings

On the Premium tab, switch the license mode to Embedded or Fabric. If you have more than one embedded capacity, select the one that is being managed by the Reporting Hub and click Apply.

Note: The capacity selection will only be visible to you if you are a Power BI Embedded Capacity administrator and the capacity is currently active. If the capacity is paused, you can start it by either going to the Azure portal and starting the capacity or by signing into the Reporting Hub and the application will start the capacity automatically.

2. Add the Reporting Hub Application to your Workspace

Select the Workspace you want to add to the Reporting Hub, click on the three-dot menu and choose Manage Access

Note: A diamond icon next to a Workspace means that it is running on a premium capacity.

In the 'Enter name or email' field, type in the name of the application you created during the installation process. In this example, we type in ReportingHubApplication and select the one that shows an AppID next to the name. By using the application, workspaces are typically available in the Reporting Hub within minutes. If you choose the service principal instead of the application, workspaces will take longer (hours or even next day) to become available in the Reporting Hub application.

You must set the permission to be either Member or Admin. Click Add and Save your changes.

3. Add the Workspace to your Reporting Hub Global Tenant

Now that your workspace is added to your embedded capacity and you have granted your Reporting Hub application permission, you will need to add the workspaces to your Reporting Hub Global Tenant. We will go through this in the next step in Configure Reporting Hub App Settings.

Last updated