What's new in the Reporting Hub?

Release Notes

July 2024: Version is now Generally Available


  • Notification Center

  • RLS Enabled Home page

  • Expanded Profile information (configurable)

  • Allow Content Admins to make the following features available at the security group level on a content page

    • Report Editing

    • Share URL Link

    • Export

    • Scheduled Email

    • Bookmarks/Personal Visuals

  • Enabled Personalized Visuals that integrates with Personal Bookmarks

  • Allow Tenant Admins to make the following features available at the tenant level:

    • Report Editing

    • Share URL Link

    • Export

    • Scheduled Email

    • Bookmarks/Personal Visuals

  • Adding a specific Application owner to prevent lockouts

  • Time out users when tokens expire to prevent the report from looking "broken"

  • Allow users the ability to refresh the Dataset from the Report

  • Add Search Tags to content pages to make searching easier

  • Added scrollbar to the bookmarks modal

  • Removed the Site Usage placeholder navigation item

  • Refresh Workspaces will refresh the workspaces that are associated with the current tenant

Bug Fixes

  • Improved integration with Reports that connect to SSAS cubes using live connection

  • Improved Sub-sub-categories (icons, spacing, adding content pages to different category levels)

  • Improved DNS change recognition

  • Improved Auth0 redirects

  • Improved management of dynamic dataset bindings

  • UX improvements to Admin Settings modal in Minimal Theme

  • Improvements to saving Bookmarks / Scheduled Emails when there are several filters applied that were previously being truncated

  • Improvements to logo area sizing and padding in all layouts

If you're interested in being part of the Early Adopters group, please contact support.thereportinghub.com

April 2024: Version (update)


  • Improved Power BI Capacity status accuracy on the Power BI Settings tab.

  • Display all data when multiple RLS roles are set in Auth0, OKTA and Open ID Connect.

  • Installer Improvements

    • Added New App Service option.

    • Improved subscriptions list by stripping out cancelled subscriptions and improved handling of large subscriptions list (more than 50 subscriptions).

Bug Fixes

  • When cloning a tenant, all levels of menu hierarchy are also cloned.

  • Minimal theme fix: Correctly displaying multiple nested categories.

  • All theme fix: Correctly displaying icons for all nested categories.

  • All theme fix: After creating categories and sub-categories, new content pages will display under respective sub-category.

April 2024: Version (update)


  • Improved menu load time performance.

  • Optimized file transfer during install and update.

  • Support RLS and non-RLS datasets in the same report.

  • Security updates based on latest Penetration Testing.

Bug Fixes

  • When exporting an RLS report, if a user has multiple roles, all data for all roles is exported.

  • Updated error message language if home page has not been set.

March 2024: Version (update)

New Features & Improvements

  • Added Tenant Specific SMTP (Enterprise Tier and Above)

  • Added Menu's ability to follow the color scheme from the application (All Tiers)

  • Added a check to make sure the app state hasn't changed. If state changes, user is forced to log-in again

Bug Fixes

  • Added error handling for orphan navigation item where parent category isn't in the database

  • Added SQL to clean up duplicate groups as a result of OKTA Groups Bug

  • Capacity Manager to not to do any pause/activation if manager is set to be disabled

  • External link loaded in iframe does not add app version to URL

  • Fixed Auth Scheme Verification bug

  • Added permission clean up for deleted navigation items

  • Fixed Permissions bug (TRH was creating permissions for Nav item) on every save.

  • Rolled nugget Pack for security update about Identity, ASP.net

  • Fixed Bookmark editing bug

  • Fixed mobile report framing issue associated with custom loader image

  • Fixed the display of the DNS name field for individual tenant

  • Updated access denied related error when a user doesn't have organization access

  • Added error handling for editing the home page when changing from enterprise to business license

Jan 2024: Version (update)

Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Added sorting on Power BI Workspaces/Reports listing by name

  • Fixed update bug for capacity changes to organization

  • Fixed Navigation item roles bug, for multiple roles, incase report has changed to RLS from Non RLS

  • Changed Workspace dropdown to be formatted same as reports dropdown and added updated Power BI Icons

  • Use MSS logged in user in case they are already logged in in place of prompting user to select username again

  • Tenant specific SMTP check bug resolved.

  • Added handling of Access Denied message when no org is found for a user.

  • Resolved OKTA group sync bug.

  • Added logging for Group Sync issues

  • Fixed Navigation link "All" pages case bug

Nov 2023: Version 6.5 (Minor Release)

Nov 2023: Version 6.5 (Minor Release)

This November we have a great follow-up release to Version 6 (released in June 2023), including great new features, performance upgrades and bug fixes!

New Features & Improvements

  • Microsoft Fabric Capacities Now Supported (all subscription tiers)

  • Performance & Memory Management Improvements (all subscription tiers)

  • User ID level Google Analytics functionality (Enterprise tier and above)

  • RLS enabled for Paginated Reports (Business tier and above)

  • Multiple Dataset Binding to a single report or dashboard (Commercial tier)

  • Dynamic multi-dataset binding RLS (Commercial tier)

  • OpenID Code Flow Authentication (Enterprise tier and above)

  • Log Access Token-based security added (all subscription tiers)

Bug Fixes

  • Group-sync paging limitation resolved

  • Report Title/Description separation from Content Pane

  • Username UI/UX wrap text fix in Minimal theme

  • Intermittent Google Tag firing

Past Releases

June 2023: Version 6.0

New Features

  • UI/UX improvements (all subscription tiers)

  • Personal bookmarks (all subscription tiers)

  • Multi PBI Embedded capacity schedules (all subscription tiers)

  • Azure resource monitoring (all subscription tiers)

  • Multi theme layouts (Business tier and above)

  • Tenant switching (Business tier and above)

  • Scheduled email reports (Enterprise tier and above)

  • Tenant-specific domains (Commercial tier)

  • Service Principal profiles (Commercial tier)

  • Dynamic binding (Commercial tier)

Feb 2023: Version 5.3

New Features

  • In-app PBI Report editing for selected user groups (Enterprise tier and above)

  • Customizable page loader icon or GIF (Business tier and above)

  • Drag and Drop navigation item sorting (all subscription tiers)

  • Updated search bar UI (all subscription tiers)

  • PBI Report tab specific embed option (all subscription tiers)

  • Create embed codes for embedding in external web pages or apps (Enterprise tier and above)

  • Added ability to edit home page details and embed URL pages (all subscription tiers)

  • Auth0 authentication option now supported (Enterprise tier and above)

Bug Fixes

  • Added error handling for failed verification

  • Auth0 sync groups

  • Auth0 logout

  • External URL page not displaying correctly

  • License exception rules widened

  • Null exception handled for missing workspace access

  • Paginated report user id display vs. GUID

  • Added missing parent group text to the sub tenant sync

  • User image inconsistent display

  • Log file check fixed

  • Redirect URLs fixed in settings

  • Added custom folder for tenant custom logs

Last updated