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December 2024: Version (update)
Bug Fixes
Updates to mobile version view for navigation panel
Fix to App settings bug with the new Chromium browser version
Resolved bug for notifications to four or more groups
Resolved bug for navigation menu in mobile version
Resolved bug that prevented verification of Azure AD B2C authentication schemes
October 2024: Version is now Generally Available
New Features
Usage Analytics data tracking within Audit Log (available in Commercial tier)
Microsoft B2C Authentication now supported (available in Commercial tier)
Ability to set order of report pages within your embedded content page
Better Organization/Tenant cloning
Improved Logs endpoint
Enable and display home page bookmarks
Ability to set the scope for OpenID Connect Authentication
Performance improvement: When Capacity Manager is disabled (set to zero), stop checking its status
Align Power BI token expiry to match the Authentication token; refresh the current page in case the token expires
Made automatically generated group names consistent (consistent capitalization and spacing)
Performance improvement: When create groups is toggled off and a new tenant is created then only bring back distinct group list
Scheduled email enhancements:
Added a scheduled email button for all users when SMTP has been successfully configured
Added a confirmation step when deleting SMTP configuration
Improved handling of Import mode for SSAS/Paginated reports
Improved RLS detection and automatically remove roles when changing a content page from being RLS to non-RLS or from one RLS report to another RLS report
Additional special character handling in Workspace names (RLS roles should still not contain special characters)
If the capacity is paused, when a user interacts with a visual and the authentication token is still valid, Reporting Hub attempts to enable the capacity and refresh the visual
Renamed “Dataset” to “Semantic model” in the Reporting Hub
When a user clicks on back to sign in, they are taken back to the same tenant instead of the global tenant
Bug Fixes
Fix to how the group title is displayed
Fix to default view export feature
Fix to the favorites tool tip to clear after selection
Reduced duplication of the report title
Resolved Power BI JSON object caching bug
Resolved favicon and back to sign in bug
Resolved how admin menu was being displayed if there was an error in the selected report
Resolved a bug that duplicated the report name in Safari browsers
Resolved a bug that prevented trial users from accessing the subscription page after the trial had expired
Spelling and grammar improvements
Resolved a bug that prevented user from adding more than one application owner
August 2024: Version (update)
Bug Fixes
Fixed issue related to home page with dynamic RLS
Fixed issue where the Home Page Title was not updating correctly
Improved UI/UX for mobile landscape and portrait views
Fixed Refresh workspaces bug not allowing users to save content correctly
Added fix for paginated reports with semantic models not working
Added fix for reports with direct query connection to semantic models
July 2024: Version (update)
Notification Center
RLS Enabled Home page
Expanded Profile information (configurable)
Allow Content Admins to make the following features available at the security group level on a content page
Report Editing
Share URL Link
Scheduled Email
Bookmarks/Personal Visuals
Enabled Personalized Visuals that integrates with Personal Bookmarks
Allow Tenant Admins to make the following features available at the tenant level:
Report Editing
Share URL Link
Scheduled Email
Bookmarks/Personal Visuals
Adding a specific Application owner to prevent lockouts
Time out users when tokens expire to prevent the report from looking "broken"
Allow users the ability to refresh the Dataset from the Report
Add Search Tags to content pages to make searching easier
Added scrollbar to the bookmarks modal
Removed the Site Usage placeholder navigation item
Refresh Workspaces will refresh the workspaces that are associated with the current tenant
Bug Fixes
Improved integration with Reports that connect to SSAS cubes using live connection
Improved Sub-sub-categories (icons, spacing, adding content pages to different category levels)
Improved DNS change recognition
Improved Auth0 redirects
Improved management of dynamic dataset bindings
UX improvements to Admin Settings modal in Minimal Theme
Improvements to saving Bookmarks / Scheduled Emails when there are several filters applied that were previously being truncated
Improvements to logo area sizing and padding in all layouts
April 2024: Version (update)
Improved Power BI Capacity status accuracy on the Power BI Settings tab.
Display all data when multiple RLS roles are set in Auth0, OKTA and Open ID Connect.
Installer Improvements
Added New App Service option.
Improved subscriptions list by stripping out cancelled subscriptions and improved handling of large subscriptions list (more than 50 subscriptions).
Bug Fixes
When cloning a tenant, all levels of menu hierarchy are also cloned.
All theme fix: Correctly displaying icons for all nested categories.
All theme fix: After creating categories and sub-categories, new content pages will display under respective sub-category.
April 2024: Version (update)
Improved menu load time performance.
Optimized file transfer during install and update.
Support RLS and non-RLS datasets in the same report.
Security updates based on latest Penetration Testing.
Bug Fixes
When exporting an RLS report, if a user has multiple roles, all data for all roles is exported.
Updated error message language if home page has not been set.
March 2024: Version (update)
New Features & Improvements
Added Tenant Specific SMTP (Enterprise Tier and Above)
Added Menu's ability to follow the color scheme from the application (All Tiers)
Added a check to make sure the app state hasn't changed. If state changes, user is forced to log-in again
Bug Fixes
Added error handling for orphan navigation item where parent category isn't in the database
Added SQL to clean up duplicate groups as a result of OKTA Groups Bug
Capacity Manager to not to do any pause/activation if manager is set to be disabled
External link loaded in iframe does not add app version to URL
Fixed Auth Scheme Verification bug
Added permission clean up for deleted navigation items
Fixed Permissions bug (TRH was creating permissions for Nav item) on every save.
Rolled nugget Pack for security update about Identity, ASP.net
Fixed Bookmark editing bug
Fixed mobile report framing issue associated with custom loader image
Fixed the display of the DNS name field for individual tenant
Updated access denied related error when a user doesn't have organization access
Added error handling for editing the home page when changing from enterprise to business license
Jan 2024: Version (update)
Improvements & Bug Fixes
Added sorting on Power BI Workspaces/Reports listing by name
Fixed update bug for capacity changes to organization
Fixed Navigation item roles bug, for multiple roles, incase report has changed to RLS from Non RLS
Changed Workspace dropdown to be formatted same as reports dropdown and added updated Power BI Icons
Use MSS logged in user in case they are already logged in in place of prompting user to select username again
Tenant specific SMTP check bug resolved.
Added handling of Access Denied message when no org is found for a user.
Resolved OKTA group sync bug.
Added logging for Group Sync issues
Fixed Navigation link "All" pages case bug
Nov 2023: Version 6.5 (Minor Release)
Nov 2023: Version 6.5 (Minor Release)
This November we have a great follow-up release to Version 6 (released in June 2023), including great new features, performance upgrades and bug fixes!
New Features & Improvements
Microsoft Fabric Capacities Now Supported (all subscription tiers)