Self-Serve Guided Updates
How to update your Reporting Hub application when release updates are available
Release updates are periodically made available as part of the continuous development and improvement cycle of the Reporting Hub software. Release updates typically include new features, improvements and bug fixes.
How do I know when a new Release Update is available?
When a new release is made available, you will receive an email indicating all the relevant information for the latest release. This email will also include a link to the self-serve update installer to complete the installation of the update.
You can also find your application version information on the App Information page. When a new release has been made available, you will see the new version and have the option to install it.
How do I know what is included in the update?
The email announcing the update will include an itemized list of feature updates, improvements and bug fixes.
Self-Serve Update Installation
Updating your Reporting Hub application is a simple process and involves following the guided self-serve update installer.
When you are ready to update your Reporting Hub application access the self-serve installer via the below link:
Important: You must have the "Global Administrator" role for your Azure Active Directory to perform and complete the update installation process.
Step-by-Step Update Installation Instructions
Ensure your App service is scaled to one node; you can scale back up again after the update is successful.
Begin by logging in with your Microsoft user credentials. You must be a "Global Administrator" to complete the installation process. A Global Administrator role is needed due the permission level required to access and update the related Azure services.
Select the Azure Subscription where your Reporting Hub application is deployed. Click Next.
Select the Azure Resource Group where your Reporting Hub application is deployed. Click Next.
Select the Azure App service, followed by the Application slot where your Reporting Hub application is deployed. Click Next
Review the information is correct, check "Agree to Update" the box, then click Update to initiate and complete the update.
Wait for the update to complete. This may take several minutes so please wait until the update process is fully completed.
Success! You have just updated your Reporting Hub application.
Caution: The update process will result in the selected application slot being overwritten with the new files. Take extra caution and ensure the correct application slot is selected.
Have you scaled your App Service to more than one node (horizontal scaling)? You'll need to scale down to one node, run the update, and then scale back up again after the update is successful.
Last updated