Create Report Bookmarks

You can create report bookmarks to capture the current state of a report page. A bookmark can be saved as the user's default view for that report. It can also be made available to other report viewers in your organization by saving as a public bookmark.

Bookmarks can only be viewed when the report is selected. That is, if you are viewing Report A, you cannot see the bookmarks for Report B.

When you create a bookmark, the following will be saved:

  • Current page (for multi-page reports)

  • Filters

  • Slicers

  • Cross-filter highlights

  • Sort order

  • Drill location

Default View

When Use as Default View is set to Yes, you will be brought to the bookmarked page when you select the report from the content menu. If multiple bookmarks within a report are marked as default, the most recently created or updated bookmark will serve as the actual default.

Public Bookmark

Public bookmarks will appear in the bookmarks menu for all other users that have access to the report.

View Report Bookmarks

  1. Open the report you'd like to view the bookmarks for.

  2. If there are bookmarks for the report, they are displayed in the menu that appears.

  3. Select a bookmark to view it.

Save Report Bookmark

  1. Select Add Bookmark.

  2. Enter a Bookmark Name.

  3. Under Use as Default View, select Yes or No.

  4. Under Is Public Bookmark, select Yes if you'd like the bookmark to be available to all other report viewers in your organization.

  5. Select Save.

Edit and Delete Bookmarks

  1. Select the Bookmarks icon to view the Bookmarks menu.

  2. Select the Edit icon beside the Bookmark you'd like to edit.

  3. To update the bookmark, make your desired changes and select Save.

  4. To delete the bookmark, select Delete.

Last updated